

When we consider our session design, there are so many variables. Whether it’s the number of players, the stage of the season, the topic or theme, or the weather conditions, there is a lot to plan for.

When I was first made aware of the concept of ‘ball-rolling time’ I had just coached a defensive session where players were encouraged to work on pressure, cover and balance. For those who haven’t heard the term, ball-rolling time is the time in the session where the ball rolls and the players play. For example, if you have a 60-minute practice and the ball rolled for 45 minutes, you would have a 75% ball-rolling time.

A colleague of mine at the time was observing me to provide feedback. He had been timing my session and revealed to me in our conversation that in the 30 minute practice, the ball had only rolled for around 17 minutes (or just over 50%). This meant for 13 minutes, I had been intervening.

Now of course, we know communication, like session design, can be a spectrum. There are times when we do need to step in and coach, but in this context, we agreed that as a percentage in our environment, it was too low. Hearing this was a powerful bit of feedback, encouraging me to reflect on my delivery.

Another example of this was when I was doing my UEFA A licence. One of our coach educators at The FA used to talk about the importance of getting the session going, getting the ball rolling, and allowing yourself time to breathe, to step back and observe, even to ask yourself some questions.

Does the practice look realistic? Are the players performing realistic tasks in realistic positions? Do the players understand the task? By consciously giving yourself a few minutes once the practice starts, you allow the players some time, and most importantly you give yourself time to watch and listen.

Importantly, great task design will often mean coaches don’t need to talk (as much). Using constraints-led games can be one way of ensuring this happens.

Two things to consider.

  1. Our tendency as coaches can be to jump in and correct, looking for things we can fix. Instead, give yourself breathing space at the beginning of the practice to watch and listen.
  2. Consider sharing the practice. There may be moments where you need to coach to solidify the ideas or structure of the activity. Communicate this with players by telling them you will step in and stop the practice a few times before letting it go and stepping right out of the picture, giving them the time to play. This may mean only using drive-by interventions with individuals as needed from there.
  3. Plan your coaching interventions. Do you pre-plan how you might communicate with the group or individuals based on their needs?

One thing for you to try this week.

Time yourself. Set yourself a ball-rolling target (the higher the better!). Either time your interventions yourself or get someone to watch you and do it. If your ball-rolling percentage is low, you now have a clear work-on in your coaching.

One critical resource on the topic.

Check out this PDP Q&A which discusses how we can be more effective with our coach communication strategies.

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