Moments of the Game
The PDP team believes that in football, there are four moments of the game. They are, controlling possession, defending, transition (attacking or defensive) and creating and scoring. In line with this view of the game, we are producing full 60-90 minute training plans on these four topics that you can take to training.
About the Video
In the video below, Lee will talk you through the structure of the practice, various outcomes and how you can adapt it for your players.
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Interpreting the Diagrams
The key below outlines what the images mean on the diagrams.
If you have questions about the practices, contact the PDP Team or share your views on the Player Development Project Coaching Community.
Key For Diagrams

Part 1: Ball Mastery: Colours Game with Defenders
Practice Overview
Topic: Retaining
No. of Players: 8 – 20
Offsides: No
Timing: 10 – 15 mins
Goalkeepers: N/A
Pitch Size: 20×20
Age Group: U10+

High repetition of ball mastery skills.
Players have to dribble to each marker and perform specific moves (coach defines which feint/move to perform at each coloured cone, i.e. on the red cone the players have to perform a scissors move). Players cannot move to the same coloured cone twice in a row. Every time they complete a move on a marker they achieve one point. Players without the ball must defend and try to win possession of a ball. If they win possession, they then swap roles with the person they won the ball from and now must try to score points by performing skill moves at each marker. If a player loses possession of a ball, they must aim to win a ball back immediately. After a period of time, the player that has achieved the most points wins.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Start without defenders.
- Change the skill moves
- Include more defenders.
What you may see/actions you may take:
- Players may dribble with their eyes looking at the ball. They will need to look up and see the ball through the bottom of their eyes to look for spaces.
- Players may find it tough to perform the moves at each cone when there are defenders. Therefore, if you feel that the players need to practice the skill moves without pressure, then take away the defenders and include them after a period of time.
- Players may not move their body or the ball. Therefore, encourage the players to shift their feet, shift their body and shift the ball.
Part 2: Messi/Maradona Game
Practice Overview
Topic: Creating and Scoring
No. of Players: 6 – 20
Offsides: No
Timing: 15 – 20 mins
Goalkeepers: Optional
Pitch Size: 30×20
Age Group: U10+

To help play develop the players ability to dribble past defenders and attack the free spaces.
Two teams.
End zones at each end.
In their end zones players are free to dribble or pass. However, in the other zones, players are not able to pass the ball. Therefore, they must dribble past defenders. Teams score by dribbling over the end line and stopping the ball with the sole of their foot.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Players can share the ball by performing take overs and back heels.
- Include goals.
- Players can pass the ball backwards.
- Adapt the pitch size – if you make the pitch bigger, there is more space for the players to dribble.
What you might see/actions you may take
- To start with the players may find it extremely difficult to dribble at every opportunity. They may lack the confidence and may look to pass the ball even if they are not allowed. Furthermore, teammates may deny spaces to dribble in. Therefore, it is really important to teach the players how to clear space for their teammate on the ball to dribble.
Part 3: Neymar/Messi Game
Practice Overview
Topic: Creating and Scoring
No. of Players: 12 – 16
Offsides: No
Timing: 15 – 20 mins
Age Group: U10+
Pitch Size: 50×60 area
Goalkeepers: Optional – Can use mini goals

To encourage the players to create 2v1 situations and outplay as an individual or in combination.
Set up a 50 x 60 area depending on numbers which will provide the teams space to create 2v1 situations.
Two teams of 5v5/6v6 or 7v7.
Two neutral players in wide positions. The neutral players must play inside the pitch, near to the sidelines.
The aim of the game is for teams to create wide 2v1 situations and for players to understand the importance of using deception when in possession of the ball (i.e. fake to pass and dribble or fake to dribble and pass).
Encourage the wide players to be creative when in possession of the ball.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Adjust pitch size.
- Increase or decrease numbers on each team.
What you may see/actions you may take:
- Players may not use deception when in possession of the ball and may not make clever movements such as overlapping runs to create 2v1 situations. Therefore, it is important to encourage the players to recognise when to move to clear or fill space and to use deception when in possession of the ball.
Part 4: Small Sided Game
Practice Overview
Topic: Creating and Scoring
No. of Players: 8 – 16
Offsides: Yes
Timing: 20 – 30 mins
Goalkeepers: Optional
Age Group: U10+
Pitch Size: 30×20, 40×30 or 60×40 dependent on numbers

The game will encourage both teams to be creative when in possession of the ball to create and score.
Set up a 4v4/5v5/6v67v7 or 8v8 game. To start with the condition for both teams is that if they outplay an opponent as an individual or in combination and score it is worth three goals.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Adjust space. The bigger the space, the more space the players can attack when dribbling.
- End with free play
What you might see/actions you may take
- Lots of creativity.
- Encourage the players to use all of the pitch when in possession.
- Encourage the players to take as many touches as they need.
- You may promote the players to dribble when they can, stay on the ball if they need to and pass if they must.
- Encourage the players to use deception when in possession of the ball.
- Lots of positive reinforcement.
Would you like to know more about planning sessions?
You might be interested in our foundations of session design course created by UEFA A Licensed Coaches, Dave Wright and Dan Wright. They will teach you everything you need to know about designing world-class sessions that your players will love. PDP members get 40% off all courses.
Foundations of Session Design