

This 1v1 practice is designed to provide players with a chance to work on 1v1 attacking and defending from a variety of angles. The narrow nature of the pitches means that going forward is encouraged and of course, the designs you see here could be adapted for 2v2 scenarios as well. Quick Navigation About the Video Additional Information Practice Overview Interpreting the Diagrams Diagrams Objectives Organisation Observations & Interventions About the Video In the video below, Dave will talk you through the structure of the…

Understanding the Practice This practice is designed to provide opportunities for players to work on 1v1 skills with pressure from behind. The aim is for the attacker to try and beat the defender by receiving to face forward, or twisting and turning to find space. The practice can be adapted to a 2v1 session to allow more variety. Defenders focus on winning and securing the ball. This practice is very physically demanding, so be mindful of the size of the area and variables such as…

In this Player Development Project webinar replay, we continue our series of discussions around position specific work and how you can create sessions to support their development across a variety of roles. This time, we focus on how coaches can support young players develop defensive skills and problem solving ability. PDP Co-Founder, Dave Wright hosts PDP Technical Advisor, Dan Wright & Leicester City FC Academy Coach, Mark Lyons for an interactive discussion with a defensive focus. Our panel of UEFA A licensed expert coaches present…

In this PDP Live Session, we were delighted to collaborate with Brunswick City SC in Melbourne as their first team commence pre-season training. In this session, Co Coaches, Ric Marchioli and Ric Martinez deliver a session focussed on the Brunswick City SC first team style of play, namely playing forward. This is a great example of applying a playing principle in practice. You’ll see a 4v4+2 type practice which includes attacking, defending and transition, key elements to a good opposed practice. Watch how the two…

The question this week comes from the PDP Slack Community: “How do I help teenage players value defending?” Your Turn: Ask PDP Anything Do you have a coaching question that we might be able to help with?  We would love to hear from you!  Here’s what you can do: 1. Tweet your questions to us @playerdp, or contact us on our Facebook page.2. PDP Members can chat directly with the PDP team to ask questions, share ideas, and support each other on our exclusive Coaching Community.  Start your…

In this Live Session PDP Coaching Advisor, James Coutts builds on his previous work around forward passing, progressing his session with a group of U11 players to include a finishing component. This is the third part in a series of sessions focussed on playing through and around. This practice sees a continuation of the concept of the theme which allows players to find a pass to a player beyond lines who is tasked with scoring whilst defenders recover. The players have to choose the right moment to break lines…

In this article, PDP Coaching Advisor, James Coutts shares some of his favourite passing and possession practices which can be adapted for players across all age groups. Like many coaches I love using rondos or small-sided positional games consistently in my sessions. There are so many variations that can be used, each with a variety of outcomes. I have implemented all the sessions below with a range of age groups from six-years-old right up to senior players, adapting the practices to suit the group in…

PDP Video Session Plans are adaptable sessions designed by academy coach, Dave Wright. All sessions show key focus points, set up, and progressions so you can use them in your next practice.

In the final part of our Melbourne Victory U20 sessions, UEFA A licensed coach, Dave Wright puts on a 10 vs. 10 phase of play. The theme of the session is defending deep in a 1-4-4-2 vs. a 1-3-5-2. Due to the number of players, the practice is executed in a 1-4-4-1 vs. a 3-5-2 with the goalkeeper playing as a keeper and centre back for the attacking team. The defensive team are tasked with staying compact and preventing split passes, trying to force play…

PDP Video Session Plans are adaptable sessions designed by academy coach, Dave Wright. All sessions show key focus points, set up, and progressions so you can use them in your next practice.

The question this week comes from Percy via Facebook Percy asks, “At what age do we coach defending?” Your Turn: Ask PDP Anything Do you have a coaching question that we might be able to help with?  We would love to hear from you!  Here’s what you can do: 1. Tweet your questions to us @playerdp, or contact us on our Facebook page.2. PDP Members can chat directly with the PDP team to ask questions, share ideas, and support each other on our exclusive Coaching Community.  Start your…

In this video session plan, UEFA A licensed coach, Dave Wright shares a practice designed to help defenders keep a high line and encourage the attacking side to exploit the space. With a strong focus on passing and receiving for the attacking team and communication and balance for the defenders, this practice is an effective way to improve your teams understanding of pitch geography out of possession and get your attackers working on movement in behind into space.

PDP Video Session Plans are adaptable sessions designed by academy coach, Dave Wright. All sessions show key focus points, set up, and progressions so you can use them in your next practice.

PDP Video Session Plans are adaptable sessions designed by academy coach, Dave Wright. All sessions show key focus points, set up, and progressions so you can use them in your next practice.

PDP Video Session Plans are adaptable sessions designed by academy coach, Dave Wright. All sessions show key focus points, set up, and progressions so you can use them in your next practice.

Popular searches: defending, finishing, 1v1, playing out from the back, working with parents