
lee hodge

Quick Navigation About the Video Interpreting the Diagrams Part 1: Skills Circle Part 2: Random Passing Square Part 3: 3v3 With Target Players Part 4: Small Sided Game – Channels Game Moments of the Game The PDP team believes that in football, there are four moments of the game. They are, controlling possession, defending, transition (attacking or defensive) and creating and scoring. In line with this view of the game, we are producing full 60-90 minute training plans on these four topics that you can…

Quick Navigation About the Video Interpreting the Diagrams Part 1: 1v1 Shadow Defending Part 2: Messi v Van Djik Game Part 3: 3v3 + 3 Pressing Game Part 4: Small Sided Game – Six Seconds Game Moments of the Game The PDP team believes that in football, there are four moments of the game. They are, controlling possession, defending, transition (attacking or defensive) and creating and scoring. In line with this view of the game, we are producing full 60-90 minute training plans on these…

The Foundation Phase is a crucial time for young players. From the ages of eight- to 12-years-old, they will hopefully build the skills and confidence to underpin a lifetime of participation and further development in the game. As coaches, our job is to facilitate this process and provide varied and stimulating learning environments. Below, Lee Hodge, Head of Academy Coaching at Plymouth Argyle FC, shares his insights from the world of youth football, as he outlines his approach to developing 8-12 year-old players. In This…

Safety may not be the first characteristic we associate with exceptional coaching environments, but, for our players, a sense of security is essential to being able to learn effectively. Below, we draw upon the knowledge of several experts as we explain why safe coaching environments are so important, and how we can engender a culture of trust, security, and enjoyment within our teams and clubs. ] In This Article The Importance of Safe Environments If we’re to give kids the best chance of enjoying football…

Quick Navigation About the Video Interpreting the Diagrams Part 1: Ball Hunter Part 2: Shooting and defending transition game Part 3: 3v3 ABC 123 Transition Game Part 4: Small Sided Game: Transition Winner Stays On Moments of the Game The PDP team believes that in football, there are four moments of the game. They are, controlling possession, defending, transition (attacking or defensive) and creating and scoring. In line with this view of the game, we are producing full 60-90 minute training plans on these four…

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