Moments of the Game
The PDP team believes that in football, there are four moments of the game. They are, controlling possession, defending, transition (attacking or defensive) and creating and scoring. In line with this view of the game, we are producing full 60-90 minute training plans on these four topics that you can take to training.
About the Video
In the video below, Lee will talk you through the structure of the practice, various outcomes and how you can adapt it for your players.
Do you want to improve your ability to plan and deliver great sessions? Sign up for our Foundations of Session Design course here.
Interpreting the Diagrams
The key below outlines what the images mean on the diagrams.
If you have questions about the practices, contact the PDP Team or share your views on the Player Development Project Coaching Community.
Key For Diagrams

Part 1: Ball Hunter
Practice Overview
Topic: Transitions
No. of Players: 8 – 20
Offsides: No
Timing: 10 – 15 mins
Goalkeepers: N/A
Pitch Size: 30×20
Age Group: U9+

To encourage the players to react quickly on loss of possession. The practice will also help the players individual possession skills.
Players with the ball have to dribble around the area and keep the ball as long as possible. Players without the ball aim to steal one as quickly as possible. Players cannot stop moving, or the coach removes their ball and gives it to another player. If a player dribbles the ball out of play or gets tackled and the ball goes out, the player must give the ball to another player and immediately starts to defend. Coach stops the game randomly and whichever players have the ball achieve one point. At the end, the player with the most points wins.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Remove number of balls to increase difficulty.
- Two teams.
What you may see/actions you may take:
- The players may find it difficult to start with to retain possession. Before the game it is vital that they develop their ball mastery and develop moves to escape defenders.
- Help the players understand if they have room, to face forwards and try to dribble past the defender. If they have little room and under intense pressure, they must use their hips and arms to protect the ball and aim to escape pressure.
- Players will react start to react quickly on loss of possession.
- Players will begin to become more aware of their surroundings in and out of possession.
Part 2: Shooting and defending transition game.
Practice Overview
Topic: Transitions
No. of Players: 8 – 20
Offsides: No
Timing: 15 – 20 mins
Goalkeepers: Optional
Pitch Size: 24×15
Age Group: U9

To develop the players ability to react quickly in transitions. From an attacking point of view, they will learn how to unbalance the defender and attack the defenders weak side. Defensively, players will learn to react quickly and position themselves to dictate play, protect the goal and they will also learn to recognise when to challenge for the ball.
Two lines of players, each player has a ball. On the coach’s signal a player from the red team dribbles to the side cone and performs a feint and strikes at goal. As soon as the player strikes at goal, a player from the blue line travels with the ball and must aim to go through the two cones as highlighted in the diagram. The previous player who has had a shot, must immediately recover and defend the gate. If they win possession, they can attack either of the two mini goals. However, if the blue player dribbles past the defender they must aim to score, and once they have had their shot, the next red player in lines goes. Teams change roles after a certain amount of time dictated by the coach.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Individual competition – Players can swap lines after every go.
What you might see/actions you may take
- Quick reactions.
- Players will need to learn how to dictate play and prevent the attacker dribbling past them.
- Players must be educated to be aware of the defenders position and aim to attack the weak side of the defender.
Part 3: 3v3 ABC 123 Transition Game
Practice Overview
Topic: Transitions
No. of Players: 10 – 20
Offsides: Can apply when team enters the pitch
Timing: 15 – 20 mins
Age Group: U9+
Pitch Size: 24×15
Goalkeepers: Optional – Can use mini goals

To encourage players to react quickly during transitions. They will learn the importance of organising themselves as a team quickly during transitions. In possession they will learn the importance of recognising when to build and when to create and exploit overloads. Out of possession, they will learn the importance of getting compact and recognising when to go a press and when to protect the goal.
3v3 in a 24 x 15 area. The reds are numbered 1, 2 or 3. The blues are lettered A, B or C. There are players for both teams resting off the pitch, ready to come on as soon as the coach shouts their number or letter. When the coach shouts 1 ,2 or 3 and or A, B or C, they replace their teammates to create a situation where they must reorganise as a team. The players will play three times for three minutes. The coach needs to regularly change the numbers and letters.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Adjust the size of the pitch.
- Coach changes it so a team goes from either being numbers to letters or vice versa.
- Keep the scores.
- As soon as a ball goes out, a GK must quickly throw the ball in.
What you may see/actions you may take:
- Players may struggle to organise themselves initially. An intervention at the start ,may be to do a walk through, and encourage player led learning so they are constantly discussing with each other tactics and strategy.
- Teams may struggle to take advantage of having an overload when the other team are reorganising. Help the players learn the importance of exploiting space when they have an overload and how and when to find the free player.
- Teach the rules of a 2v1/3v2.
- Help the defenders learn how to quickly organise themselves to either win possession back quickly or to protect the goal. Also help them understand the triggers of when to press.
Part 4: Small Sided Game – Channels Game
Practice Overview
Topic: Transitions
No. of Players: 8 – 20
Offsides: Yes
Timing: 20 – 30 mins
Goalkeepers: Optional
Age Group: U9+
Pitch Size: 30×20, 40×30 or 60×40 dependent on numbers

To help the players understand how to quickly reorganise themselves during transitions in and out of possession. In possession, they will learn the importance of recognising when to build and when to create and exploit overloads. Out of possession, they will learn when to go and press and when to protect the goal.
3v3/4v4/5v5 up to 7v7 game. Three teams with one team off the pitch. After one team scores, the team that concedes the goal leaves the pitch immediately. The team that was off the pitch, quickly goes onto the pitch to play. The coach must pass the ball in quickly to the new team.
How do I progress or adapt the practice?
- Adjust size of the pitch.
- Team that goes in, instead of coming from the same side, must come in from different positions.
- Use the outside players for wall passes.
- You might condition the game where if wall passers are included on the outside, the team in possession must switch the ball from one side to the other before they can score.
What you might see/actions you may take
- Highly competitive. Help the teams learn how to control the game during transitions.
- Encourage the teams to communicate with each other.
- Encourage the players to constantly be aware of the situation.
- Help the players understand the rules of a 2v1, 3v2 and 4v3.
- Help the players understand the triggers of when to press.
Would you like to know more about planning sessions?
You might be interested in our foundations of session design course created by UEFA A Licensed Coaches, Dave Wright and Dan Wright. They will teach you everything you need to know about designing world-class sessions that your players will love. PDP Members get 40% off all courses.
Foundations of Session Design