FC Barcelona

PDP Technical Advisor, Dan Wright examines one of the greatest midfield players to ever play the game, outlining why a long term view to player development is essential to ensuring every player has a chance to fulfil their potential and more. He doesn’t look like a footballer. He’s too small, too weak, he can’t move. It’s a warm May evening. As you approach the ground the traffic gets heavier and fans start to fill the streets: a kaleidoscope of blue, red and yellow everywhere you…

It is difficult to overstate just how much of an influence Dutch football legend Johan Cruyff has had on the sport. From his time on the pitch, starring for Ajax, Barcelona and the Dutch national side, to his time in management at the same institutions, Cruyff has always been at the cutting edge of football development. Player Development Project spoke to Cruyff in 2015 about his coaching philosophy and more. Winner of the Ballon d’Or an incredible three times, Cruyff started his footballing career at…

Eusebio Sacristan had a playing career at Barcelona alongside a golden generation and under the guidance of Johan Cruyff. He now manages Real Sociedad in La Liga, a big challenge but one he is embracing and enjoying. With the help of translator, Brooke Duder, Player Development Project caught up with Eusebio to discuss his journey as a young player and now top flight manager.

In this Masterclass Discussion, PDP Lead Researcher, James Vaughan shares part four of the FC Barcelona series, developed after James’ 12 months living in Barcelona. In this discussion, PDP Editor Dave Wright hosts James in a conversation on the historical rivalry between Barcelona & Madrid in politics, economics and football through El Clásico. James dives into detail as to how the cultural differences have shaped the two biggest clubs in Spain and how their values have evolved on and off the pitch. Image Source: depositphotos.com

In part 3 of this Masterclass Discussion Series, PDP Editor, Dave Wright hosts PDP Lead Researcher James Vaughan as he takes us through the third instalment of his PhD research. The third part of this series looks at creative moments emerging as a result of socio-cultural-historic constraints in Barcelona. James examines many of the iconic individuals (both local and foreign) who have had a huge influence on the history and evolution of FC Barcelona, such as Joan Gamper, Kubala, Johann Cruyff and Lionel Messi. Image…

In this Masterclass Discussion, PDP Lead Researcher James Vaughan shares his PhD research after a 12 month stay in Barcelona where he immersed himself in Catalan culture and football. We go inside La Masia, examining the playing style of the world’s most famous academy and look at how it ties in to the history and culture of this great city. Some fantastic examples and footage are provided by James as he takes us on a virtual tour of FC Barcelona’s story. Image Source: depositphotos.com

El Clasico is the most anticipated regular football fixture on the planet. Player Development Project Lead Researcher, James Vaughan was fortunate enough to experience the rivalry himself in early 2017. The legendary Barcelona vs. Real Madrid fixture got James thinking about the history of his adopted home in Catalonia and the way it has shaped FC Barcelona. In this two part article, we follow James’ match-day experience and find out how Catalan and Barcelona history and social construct interlink. I emerge from the metro in Badal…

In the second part of this ethnographic insight on El Clasico, the biggest match in world football, PDP Lead Researcher James Vaughan continues with his observations from his experience watching a masterpiece inside Camp Nou…   My friend and I part ways as we reach the Camp Nou and I walk the well-travelled path through access 18, in gate 39 and up to level 3. As I climb up and out into the open-air stadium I see the green grass and the colossal circular stands, and my heart…

In this PDP Masterclass Discussion, our Lead Researcher, James Vaughan joins PDP Editor, Dave Wright to take us through his PhD research from 12 months spent immersed in Catalan culture and observing at La Masia. James shares insights into how the culture and history of Barcelona has shaped the clubs playing style. This is the first of a four part presentation which discusses the impact on playing style, creativity and aligns with the PDP model of player development which accounts for the importance of environmental…

Player Development Project Lead Researcher, James Vaughan recently attended the third annual International Congress for Psychology Applied to Football. He shares his notes from this prestigious event where some of the best thinkers in player development shared their ideas on the state of the game. An Introduction The AIPAF is partnership between academics and professionals who are dedicated to improving player development. By combining the stories and experiences of forward-thinking compassionate coaches, clubs and psychologists, AIPAF aims to forge a new path for player development…

Spanish football is constantly seen as a model for success in player development. Regular PDP Contributor & Founder of TOVO Institute, Todd Beane examines what elements of Spanish culture and football contribute to their consistent success in developing top players. Why Spain? “The ball is an essential part of the game.” – Johan Cruijff Take this quiz. Why does Spain produce such skillful footballers? A. They watch quality football every weekend.B. Club loyalty is a family tradition.C. Children are comfortable on the ball.D. All of…

PDP Lead Researcher, James Vaughan examines the core values of FC Barcelona after a recent seminar with Joan Vila Bosch in New Zealand. James discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a player development context as well as challenging the now corporate juggernaut that is professional football. *This is the first in a series of articles based on notes taken at a day long seminar with Joan Vila Bosch, director of methodology at FC Barcelona. This series is not a definitive guide to the seminar itself…

Day two of the NextGen Series was the longest of the tournament and showcased just how some of the top youth teams from around the world dealt with the added pressure of fighting for semi-final places going into the final day.   Day two of the NextGen series saw Tottenham Hotspur lose their first fixture to Ajax Capetown a team who have proved to be high energy and exceptionally determined, attacking with speed and vigour. Spurs came back later in the day and put on…

Player Development Project is thrilled to be a part of the NextGen Series & NextGen Talks in Amsterdam from May 14-16. Day one began with the NextGen Talks & concluded with some excellent football from some of the world’s top U19 talent.   The NextGen event kicked off with a fantastic morning of discussion at the inaugural NextGen Talks, hosted by Player Development Project’s, James Vaughan. James facilitated a round table discussion with Tottenham Hotspur Academy Manager, John McDermott, Chelsea FC Scout & Talent ID…

Doing your football apprenticeship at FC Barcelona is the kind of coaching education we all dream of. Player Development Project caught up with Josep Gombau, a man who emerged from Catalonia and has since travelled the world coaching at all levels. Josep Gombau is a much travelled man. Born in Amposta, Catalonia, his coaching career has taken him from Spain to Hong Kong, where he was named coach of the year twice, before a stint at A-League club Adelaide United. Between 2003 and 2009, Josep…

The football world recently mourned the passing of the Dutch Master, Johan Cruyff. PDP contributor and son-in-law of Johan, Todd Beane shares his personal tribute to the great man, poetically describing the impact of mentors and heroes.   We do not honor our heroes because they are flawless.   We do not mourn our idols for their perfection.   We weep their passing because despite their flaws our mentors carry us forward to triumphs unforeseen. Our most cherished mortals nurture a vision deep within us,…

PDP Lead Researcher, James Vaughan examines the simplicity vs. complexity debate using one of the great quotes from Johan Cruyff and asks if we have misinterpreted its true meaning. “Football is simple, but the hardest thing is to play simple football.” Consider how this famous quote influences your training session design when the emphasis is placed here: “Football is simple, but the hardest thing is to play simple football.” Or here: “Football is simple, but the hardest thing is to play simple football.” I think this…

Javier Mascherano’s rise from squad player to first team regular at FC Barcelona is a example to young players everywhere: Seeking out challenges, switching positions, playing to his strengths and selflessly putting the team first Mascherano is a role model for all.   Mascherano is an example of a player with a positive mindset. He has adapted, evolved and grown as a player at FC Barcelona. However it could of all been very different if it not for this – career defining – tackle. Playing to his strengths …

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